Vjesnik Bibliotekara Hrvatske
ISSN Print: 0507-1925
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主页: http://www.hkdrustvo.hr/vbh
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Vjesnik Bibliotekara HrvatskeISSN Print: 0507-1925 ISSN Online: 主页: http://www.hkdrustvo.hr/vbh
Preradba norme ISO 3297 Information and documentation - international standard serial number = Revision of the Standard ISO 3297 Information and documentation - international standard serial numberJasenka Zajec
Knji ni ne usluge za osobe s posebnim potrebama kao dio Nacionalne strategije jedinstvene politike za osobe s invaliditetom od 2003. do 2006. godine = Library Services for Persons with Special Needs and Disabilities as Part of the National Strategy of the Unique Policy for the Disadvantaged from 2003 to 2006Veronika ?eli?-Tica,Dunja-Marija Gabriel
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