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ISSN: 2333-9721
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Acta Geologica Slovaca
ISSN Print: 1338-0044
ISSN Online:
Geological structure of the Tatric and Fatric units among the Belianska and Vrátna dolina valleys (the Krivánska Fatra Mts.)
Michal Sentpetery
Jozef Hók
Stability assessment of Bojni ky landslide area based on geophysical ERT and geodetic GNSS measurements
Lenka Petrydesová
René Puti?ka
Pavel Li??ák
Characterisation of bentonite from Hliník nad Hronom deposit (Jastrabá Formation of the tiavnica stratovolcano, Western Carpathians)
Peter Uhlík
Martin Jáno?ík
Ivan Kraus
Martin Pentrák
Sodium sulphate crystallization influence on intergranular destruction of Thassos marble
Peter Ru?i?ka
Tatiana Durmeková
Miroslav Hain
Mária ?aplovi?ová
Tribute to the father of Slovakian geology, Professor Ján Pettko, who was born in Horná Drietoma two hundred years ago
Jozef Michalík
Chemical composition and microbiological profile of karst water in the Krásnohorská Cave (Silická plateau, Slovak Karst)
Dagmar Haviarová
Milan Seman
Jaroslav Stankovi?
Renáta F?aková
Lower Cretaceous paleokarst in a klippe of the Czorsztyn Succession north of Zázrivá (Pieniny Klippen Belt, Orava Sector, northern Slovakia)
Miroslava Jamrichová
?tefan Józsa
Roman Aubrecht
Ján Schl?gl
Decorative stones of Slovakia – an overview and the quality assessment
Michal Majdán
Contribution to analysis of time courses of radon volume activity in soil air
Andrej Mojze?
René Puti?ka
Historical and geochemical outlines of the oil-gas seepage near Turzovka town; Flysch belt, NW Slovakia
Ján Mili?ka
Juraj Macek
Software applications of the qualitative classification of the chemical composition of rocks in exploratory boreholes on the Rajec– uja dolomite deposit
Libor Pukan?ík
Peter Ru?i?ka
Devínska Kobyla – a window into the Middle Miocene shallow-water marine environments of the Central Paratethys (Vienna Basin, Slovakia)
Matú? Hy?ny
Natália Hudá?ková
Radoslav Biskupi?
Samuel Rybár
Laboratory simulation of temperature changes by insolation and fire and their influence on physical properties of travertines
Zuzana Kompaníková
Ján Vl?ko
Martin Br?ek
Jana Michňová
Cenozoic deformation and stress field evolution of the Kozie chrbty Mountains and the western part of Hornád Depression (Central Western Carpathians)
?ubica S?kalová
Rastislav Vojtko
Ivana Pe?ková
Study the change of thermophysical properties of natural stone in the conditions of cyclic freezing
Ivana ?imková
Vladimír Greif
Zuzana Kompaníková
Martin Br?ek
Crocodylian and turtle finds from the Early Miocene of the Baňa Dolina Mine in Ve ky Krtí (Slovakia)
Andrej ?erňansky
Csaba Tóth
Juraj ?urka
A partial skull of Dremotherium feignouxi from the Aquitanian of France (MN2, Saint-Gérand-le-Puy, Allier)
Lo?c Costeur
Distribúcia potenciálne toxickych prvkov v rie nych sedimentoch na lokalitách opustenych Sb lo ísk Dúbrava a Medzibrod (Nízke Tatry)
Marián Petrák
Vladimír ?avajda
Peter ?ottník
Inovatívne prístupy vo vyu be geológie na základnych kolách
Lenka Bir?áková
Continuation of the Pohorelá line in pre-Cenozoic basement of the Central Slovakia Volcanic Field (Western Carpathians)
Jozef Hók
Rastislav Vojtko
The usage possibilities of HydroOffice 2010 software for hydrologists and hydrogeologists
Milo? Gregor
South-vergent structures observed in the western part of the Krivánska Fatra Mts. (Central Western Carpathians)
Michal Sentpetery
Soft-sediment deformation structures in the Upper Miocene deltaic sequence of the Lake Pannon (Vienna Basin)
Du?an Starek
Radovan Pipík
Stanovenie koeficienta drsnosti puklín (JRC) metódou blízkej digitálnej fotogrametrie
Vladimír Greif
Tomá? Drotár
Water contamination by antimony and arsenic at the u ma abandoned deposit (Slovenské rudohorie Mts.)
Renáta F?aková
Zlatica ?eni?ová
Ivana Ondrejková
David Kr?má?
Distribúcia teploty, jej re im a h bkovy dosah v travertínovom masíve podlo ia Spi ského hradu
Martin Br?ek
Ján Vl?ko
Zuzana Kompaníková
Vladimír Greif
Geochemical indicators of hydrogeologically isolated structures in the Danube Basin; implications for potential gas storage objects
Tomá? Lánczos
Ján Mili?ka
Miroslav Pereszlényi
Fault kinematics and palaeostress analysis in the Butkov quarry (Manín Unit, Western Carpathians)
Viera ?imonová
Du?an Pla?ienka
The durability of Bo anov sandstone – simulation of Prague winter climatic conditions
Kate?ina Ková?ová
The Middle Austro-Alpine Sieggraben structural complex – new data on geothermobarometry
Ján Kromel
Marián Puti?
Peter Ba?ík
Monitoring of travertine changes resulting from thermal load
Zuzana Kompaníková
Tatiana Durmeková
Ján Vl?ko
Martin Br?ek
Morfológia rozhrania kvartér/neogén v oblasti Bratislavy
Michal ?ujan
Vznik a vyvoj klenbovej truktúry Cerovej vrchoviny
Jozef Hók
Rastislav Vojtko
Igor Slaninka
Pou ití logistické regrese pro hodnocení náchylnosti k sesouvání ve st ední ásti Ch ib ( eská republika)
Ale? Havlín
Martin Bednarik
Barbora Magulová
Ján Vl?ko
Dominant events in the northern Danube Basin palaeogeography – a tool for specification of the Upper Miocene and Pliocene stratigraphy
Michal Ková?
Rastislav Synak
Klement Fordinál
Peter Joniak
Stress change inferred from the morphostructures and faulting of the Pliocene sediments in the Hronská pahorkatina highlands (Western Carpathians)
Silvia Králiková
Jozef Hók
Rastislav Vojtko
Modelling of groundwater runoff parameters development in different geological conditions
Andrej Machlica
Miriam Fendeková
Marián Fendek
Shear deformation analysis in granite of the Tribe Mts. (Western Carpathians)
Rudolf Lénárt
Jozef Hók
Change of sedimentary record as a consequence of variation in depth and dynamics of depositional environment (East Slovakian Basin, Middle Miocene)
Jana Hlavatá
Michal Ková?
The evolution of the Late Badenian calcareous nannofossils assemblages as an reflexion of the palaeoenvironmental changes of the Vienna Basin (Devínska Nová Ves – clay pit, Slovakia)
Michal Jamrich
Eva Halásová
Distribution of trace elements in soils at the abandoned Sb deposits of Dúbrava and Popro
Michal Jankulár
?ubomír Jurkovi?
Tomá? Klimko
Sequence stratigraphic dictionary
Rastislav Synak
Foraminiferal in the shallow water Sarmatian sediments from the MZ 93 borehole (Vienna Basin, Slovak part)
Ivana Koubová
Natália Hudá?ková
Reinterpretation of the lithostratigraphy and tectonic position of the Mariková Klippen (Middle Váh Valley, western Slovakia)
Du?an Pla?ienka
Milan Sykora
Roman Aubrecht
Micha? Krobicki
Revision of the Eocene decapod crustaceans deposited in the Liptovské múzeum ierny Orol (Liptovsky Mikulá , Slovakia)
Matú? Hy?ny
Geotechnical study of the requisite information on the workability of rocks and the Pre-Quaternary bedrock (Ostrava region)
Marian Marschalko
Tomá? Pěňáz
Very low grade metamorphism of basic rocks: definition, mineral assemblages, and p–T conditions
Vladimír ?ernák
Marek V?a?ny
The influence of physical properties on propagation velocity of seismic waves of the rocks
Radoslav Schügerl
Results of stress analysis inferred from fault slip data along the Sudetic Marginal Fault (NE part of Bohemian Massif)
Ivana Pe?ková
Jozef Hók
Petra ?těpan?íková
Josef Stemberk
Natural and agglomerated stone durability assessment according to technical standards
Ivana ?imková
Tatiana Durmeková