Bonfring International Journal of Software Engineering and Soft Computing
ISSN Print: 2250-1045
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Bonfring International Journal of Software Engineering and Soft ComputingISSN Print: 2250-1045 ISSN Online: 主页:
An Improved Compiler Directed Power Optimization for Disk Based Systems using Back Propagation Neural NetworksG. Ravikumar
Optimal Testing Resource Allocation Problems in Software System using Heuristic AlgorithmM. Pavithra
Identification of the Most Affecting Factor and the Most Income Range of the Affected Middle Class Family by Using Fuzzy MatrixC. Ramkumar
An Application of the Fuzzy Cognitive Mappings to Study about the Problems Faced by the Sports Students in CollegesS. Dhanaseka
Secure Medical Data Transmission in Body Area Sensor Networks Using Dynamic Biometrics and SteganographyR. Rekha
Assessment of Rainfall and Temperature using OSA Estimators of Extreme Value DistributionsN. Vivekanandan