Scientific Proceedings Faculty of Mechanical Engineering STU in Bratislava
ISSN Print: 1338-1954
ISSN Online: 1338-5011
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Scientific Proceedings Faculty of Mechanical Engineering STU in BratislavaISSN Print: 1338-1954 ISSN Online: 1338-5011 主页:
Utilisation of Modeling, Stress Analysis, Kinematics Optimisation, and Hypothetical Estimation of Lifetime in the Design Process of Mobile Working MachinesGregor Izrael , Juraj Bukoveczky , Ladislav Gulan
Energy Analysis of Hybrid Power Source During Vehicle MotionJán Danko , Martin Bugár , Vladimír Staňák
Influence of Heat Input on the Content of Delta Ferrite in the Structure of 304L Stainless Steel GTA Welded JointsPavol Sej , Rastislav Kubí ek
A Study on the Abrasive Resistance of Ni Based Laser Coatings with WC Hard PhaseZita I dinská , Alena Brusilová , Karol I dinsky