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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721
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ISSN Print: 2630-6069
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An Ottoman Historian: ?Uthmān Fütū?ī and His Work ?Ajā?ib al-Me?ārib ve Gharā?ib al-Me?ārik
Huseyin Sarikaya
Veysel Goger
Non-fixed Heavy Penalty Formula from Hanafi Tradition to Classical Ottoman Kanuns
Muharrem Midilli
Poverty, Hunger and Inequality in the Context of Zakat and Waqf
Ahmet Suayb Gundogdu
A Methodological Contribution to the Commentary About the Language and Qur?ān and Meaning - Abū Sanā al-I?fahānī’s Introduction
Muhammed ?sa Yüksek
Religious Culture and Moral Knowledge Course Curriculum for Children with Autism: A Study on the Debates on the Possibility of Religion and Religious Education
Sümeyra Bilecik
Christian Zionism in the US: Its Roots, Founding Principles and Its Influence in American Politics
H. ?ule Albayrak
The Role of the Religiosity Factor in Relation to Marriage Experiences and Divorce Process
Fatma Baynal
Redefining al-Mahdi: The Layennes of Senegal
Thomas Douglas
The Attitudes of the Theology and Islamic sciences faculty students in Turkey towards the program of Arabic language in the preparatory year
Sultan ?im?ek
Principles in the Moral Education of Children in the light of Qur’anic Stories
Mohammad Jaber Thalgi
Book Review: Sabev, Orlin. Waiting for Müteferrika: Glimpses of Ottoman Print Culture (Istanbul: Academic Studies Press, 2018), p. 200. ISBN: 978-161-8116-18-5
Dzenita Karic
Aesthetics in Surat al-Mulk: Mathematical Typology as Metaphysical Mirror
Valerie Gonzalez
Shamsaddin Timurtash?’s Treatise Risalah fi’n-Nuq?d
Erol ?zvar
?eyma ?zdemir
Faculty of Theology Lecturers’ Use of Methods and Materials in Undergraduate Lessons
Adem Güne?
Meeting Abstract: Ottoman Scholarship from Sahn-? Seman to Darulfünun –XVIII. Century–, December 22-23, 2017
Book Review: Ayd?n, Muhammet Sevki. Din Egitimi Bilimi. Kayseri: Kimlik Publishing, 2017. ISBN: 978-605-2345-01-6 , 438 pages
The Significance of Content and Style in Determining Meccan-Medinan Sūrahs: The Case of Sūrah al-Insān
Soner Aksoy
Bioethics and Biopolitics in Cultivating Bios and Biotopes
Hans Martin Sass
Should Ethical “ought not” Limit Technological Feasibility in Human Enhancement Technologies?
Tuba Nur Umut
Grounding for Insolubility: Bioethics in the Face of Conflicting Paradigms
Mahmut Alpertunga Kara
Advancing Biotechnology, Moral Crossroads and Religion: A Window through Hinduism
Rishi Raj Kishore
Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research From The Perspective of Islamic Law (Fiqh)
ülfet G?rgülü
Procedural Bioethics and Content or Substantive Bioethics
Salvador Ribas
The Study of Qara Saydī al-Hamīdī’s Treatise on al-Umūr al-‘āmmah Discussions with its Critical Edition and its Translation into Turkish
Yasin Apayd?n
The Circumstance and Provision of Qun?t Prayer Recitation in Prayers According to the Four Sects
Yakup Mahmuto?lu
“Narrowness” and “Broadness” of Bioethics: on some Middle-European and Mediterranean Initiatives
Amir Muzur
Deconstruction of Ibn Sīnā’s Essence-Existence Distinction and the Essence of the Necessary Existent
Kayhan ?zaykal
Book Review: Yal??n, ?smail. ?slam Hukuku A??s?ndan Yarat?l??? De?i?tirme-F?trat? Bozma. ?stanbul: Fecr Yay?nlar?, 2017. 181 sayfa.
ümmü Eymen Balbaba
Development of Theistic Fatalism Scale: Reliability and Validity Study
ümit Horozcu
Meeting Abstract: Symposium on the Intellectual Legacy of Darulfunun Ilahiyat, May 15, 2018
Ahmet Hamdi Furat
A Digital Material Development Recommendation for Turkish Music Instruments: The Case of Kemen?e Learning
Asl?han Eruzun ?zel
“The Most Dangerous Idea?” Islamic Deliberations on Transhumanism
Anke Iman Bouzenita
Book Review: Saydam, Bilgin. Deli Dumrul'un Bilinci, “Türk-?slam Ruhu üzerine” Bir Kültür Psikolojisi Denemesi, Istanbul: Metis Publishing, 2017, ISBN-13: 978-975-342-155-3, 358 pages.
Musa Karabeyeser
The Right to Die: A Comparative Approach from the Point of Fritz Jahr and Islamic Law
Tuba Erko? Baydar
Ibn Abī Al-Isba? and His Place in ??lm Al-Badī?
Mustafa Ayd?n
Book Review: G?rgülü, ülfet. F?k?hta Cenin Hukuku. ?stanbul: Marmara üniversitesi ?lahiyat Fakültesi Vakf? Yay?nlar?, 2018. ISBN-9789755484594, 180 sayfa.
?enel Korkmaz
Book Review: Hamdy, Sherine. Bedenlerimiz Allah’a Ait: Organ Nakli, ?slam ve M?s?r’da ?nsan Haysiyeti Mücadelesi. ?stanbul: A??l?m Kitap, 2017. ISBN: 978- 605 -9608-09-1, 416 sayfa.
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