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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721
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Journal De Jure
ISSN Print: 1314-2593
ISSN Online:
Ethical Rules for the Work of Journal "De Jure"
For the Eligibility of Non-conviction Based Confiscation
Forest Management Bodies
The Accused’s Right to Receive a Translation of the Indictment if He Does Not Speak the Bulgarian Language
Scientific life. Information about a Conference Held in November 2018 at the Faculty of Law of “St. Cyril and St. Methodius” University of Veliko Tarnovo
Table of Content
Alternative Schemes for Electronic Identification of Persons According to the Electronic Governance Act
Authors in this Issue
Authors in this Issue
The Grounds for Resumption of the Administrative Penal Proceedings in Accordance with art. 70, Letter “E” of the Law for the Administrative Offences and Sanctions
Electronic Identification
Unpunishability of Active Bribery under Art. 306 of the Criminal Code.
The Role of Bulgarian Customary Criminal Law after the Liberation
Indirect Judicial Control on Normative Administrative Acts
Development of Political Pluralism in the Bulgarian Constitutional Model Post Liberation
The Individual Rights of Creditors in the Institutional Proceedings and its Influence on the Institutional Mass and the Creditors ‘Assembly
Administrative Punishment in the Field of Public Procurement
Regarding the Purpose of the Interim Measures, ordered by the Court of Justice of the European Union
The Judgment of the Case Concerning the Electricity Company of Sofia and Bulgaria (Belgium v. Bulgaria) in the Practice of the International Court of justice
The constitutional principal of universality of political rights of bulgarian citizens
Result of the Crime of Insult under the Criminal Code
The intellectual element in the content of doluseventualis and recklessness
The legal terminological neologism ?gender“ in the text of the Istanbul convention
Exclusion of illigal administrative acts by the prosecutor against the administrative court
Acquisition of title to agricultural land by foreigners in Republic of Bulgaria
Crimes against sport as a substantive subject of normative regulation in Bulgarian criminal law
Legal standing of the third parties in the process of judicial review of concentrations between undertakings, according to the EU and bulgarian law
Ethical Rules for the Work of Journal "De Jure"
Authors in this Issue
The principle ?ne bis in idem” in the light of the current legal framework of the Republic of Bulgaria
Analysis of case law of Supreme Court of Cassation on the nullity of the transaction on Bank Bankruptcy Law
The values - an object of the embezzlement
Restitution of forests and forest lands – a historical and legal analysis and conclusions
Ethical Rules of Journal "De Jure"
For the authors
Interrogation in investigation of drug crimes
Again for Actio rei vindicatio against third party
On the concept of “representatives of society” under art. 93, 3 of the Criminal code
Table of Content
The principle of complex administrative support under the APC
Acceleration of criminal proceedings
The application of article 534 of the Сommercial law
Introduce on the territory of the annexe to the Bulgarian Penal Code
About the Merits of Direct Democracy
European Standards for Independence and Freedom of Expression of the Judiciary
The problem of defining the term “minority” under intertanional law
Logic of evaluation of evidence in Constitutional judicial process
Development of the Bulgarian Criminal Law after the Liberation until the first decade of the 20-th century
Constitutional Basis of Military Justice in the State of Bulgaria
Оpinion on Interpretative Case № 1 From 2018 On Suprime Court