Dr. Nikolai
Andreevitch Sobolev
Departamento de
Física, Universidade de Aveiro, 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal
Email: [email protected]
1977 M.Sc., Friedrich Schiller University of
Jena, Germany; Ionometry and of HF-Spectroscopy
1974 M.Sc., University of Minsk, Belarus; Semiconductor Physics
1973 B.Sc., Friedrich Schiller University of Jena, Germany; Physics
1970 B.Sc., Belarusian State University of Minsk, Belarus; Physics
Publications (Selected)
Kopyl, A. Timopheev, V. Bystrov, I. Bdikin, B.M.S. Teixeira, E. Maevskij, N.A.
Sobolev, and A.C.M. Sousa, “FMR study of carbon nanotubes filled with Fe3O4
nanoparticles”. J. Magn. Magn. Mater., Vol. 358-359 (2014) 44.
Carvalho, J.R.A. Fernandes, J. Perez de la Cruz, J.V. Vidal, N.A. Sobolev, F.
Figueiras, S. Das, V.S. Amaral, A. Almeida, J. Agostinho Moreira, P.B. Tavares,
“Room temperature structure and multiferroic properties in Bi0.7La0.3FeO3
ceramics”. J. Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 554 (2013) 97.
Sobolev, “Radiation effects in Si-Ge quantum size structures (Review)”.
Semiconductors, Vol. 47 (2013) 217. http://dx.doi.org/10.1134/S1063782613020188
Paz, F. Cebollada, F.J. Palomares, J.M. González, J.S. Martins, N.M. Santos,
and N.A. Sobolev, “Ferromagnetic resonance and magnetooptic study of submicron
epitaxial Fe(001) stripes”. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 111 (2012) 123917.
Timopheev, I. Bdikin, A.F. Lozenko, O.V. Stognei, A.V. Sitnikov, A.V. Los, N.A.
Sobolev, “Superferromagnetism and coercivity in Co-Al2O3 granular films with
perpendicular anisotropy”. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 111 (2012) 123915.
Rai, K. Verma, S. Sharma, S.S. Nair, M.A. Valente, A.L. Kholkin, and N.A.
Sobolev, “Study of structural and ferromagnetic properties of pure and Cd doped
copper ferrite”. J. Phys. Chem. Solids, Vol. 72 (2011) 862.
Kalanda, S. Demyanov, W. Masselink, A. Mogilatenko, M. Chashnikova, N. Sobolev,
O. Fedosenko, “Interplay between phase formation mechanisms and magnetism in
the Sr2FeMoO6–δ metal-oxide compound”. Crystal Res. Technol., Vol. 46 (2011)
Ankiewicz, J.S. Martins, M.C. Carmo, M. Grundmann, Shengqiang Zhou, H. Schmidt,
and N.A. Sobolev, “Ferromagnetic resonance on metal nanocrystals in Fe and Ni
implanted ZnO”. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 107 (2010) 09B518.
Oliveira, M.F. Cerqueira, M.I. Vasilevskiy, T. Viseu, J. Ayres de Campos, A.G.
Rolo, J.S. Martins, N.A. Sobolev, E. Alves, “Room-temperature paramagnetism of
ZnO:Mn films grown by RF-sputtering”. Thin Solid Films, Vol. 518 (2010) 4612.
Khomchenko, D.A. Kiselev, M. Kopcewicz, M. Maglione,V.V. Shvartsman, P.
Borisov, W. Kleemann, A.M.L. Lopes, Y.G. Pogorelov, J.P. Araujo, R.M. Rubinger,
N.A. Sobolev, J.M. Vieira, and A.L. Kholkin, “Doping strategies for increased
performance in BiFeO3”. J. Magn. Magn. Mater., Vol. 321 (2009) 1692.
Steinert, W. Wesch, A. Undisz, M. Rettenmayr, W.C. Nunes, R.P. Borges, M.
Godinho, R.M. Rubinger, M.C. Carmo, and N.A. Sobolev, “Ion beam synthesis of
Mn/Sb clusters in silicon”. J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., Vol. 42 (2009) 035406.
Leito, N.A. Sobolev, M.R. Correia, M.C. Carmo, N. Stepina, A. Yakimov, A.
Nikiforov, S. Magalhes, and E. Alves, “Electronic properties of Ge islands
embedded in multilayer and superlattice structures”. Thin Solid Films, Vol. 517
(2008) 303.
Stepina, A.V. Dvurechenskii, V.A. Ambrister, J.V. Smagina, V.A. Volodin, A.V.
Nenashev, J.P. Leito, M.C. Carmo, and N.A. Sobolev, “MBE growth of Ge/Si
quantum dots upon low-energy pulsed ion irradiation”. Thin Solid Films, Vol.
517 (2008) 309.
Zinovieva, A.V. Dvurechenskii, N.P. Stepina, A.S. Deryabin, A.I. Nikiforov, R.
Rubinger, N.A. Sobolev, J.P. Leito, and M.C. Carmo, “Spin resonance of
electrons localized on Ge/Si quantum dots”. Phys. Rev. B, Vol. 77 (2008)
Sobolev, M.A. Oliveira, R.M. Rubinger, A.J. Neves, M.C. Carmo, V.P. Lesnikov,
V.V. Podolskii, Yu.A. Danilov, E.S. Demidov, and G.N. Kakazei, “Ferromagnetic
resonance and Hall effect characterization of GaMnSb layers”. J.
Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, Vol. 20 (2007) 399.
E. Alves, J. Leito, N.A. Sobolev, M.C. Carmo, and A.I. Nikiforov, “Optical and
structural analysis of Ge/Si quantum dots grown on a Si(001) surface covered
with a SiO2 sub-monolayer”. International J. Nanoscience, Vol. 6 (2007) 245.
W. Wesch, J. Biskupek, U. Kaiser, M.A. Oliveira, A. Neves, and N.A. Sobolev,
“Ion beam synthesis of Mn/As-based clusters in silicon”. Nucl. Instr. and Meth.
in Phys.Res. B, Vol. 257 (2007) 90.
Nikiforov, V.V. Ulyanov, S.A. Teys, A.K. Gutakovsky, O.P. Pchelyakov, A.I.
Yakimov, A. Fonseca, J.P. Leito, and N.A. Sobolev, “MBE growth of vertically
ordered Ge quantum dots on Si”. Phys. Status Solidi (c), Vol. 4 (2007) 262.
Ankiewicz, M.C. Carmo, N.A. Sobolev, W. Gehlhoff, E.M. Kaidashev, A. Rahm, M.
Lorenz, and M. Grundmann, "Electron Paramagnetic Resonance in Transition
Metal-Doped ZnO Nanowires". J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 101 (2007) 024324.
Sobolev, M.A. Oliveira, V.S. Amaral, A. Neves, M.C. Carmo, W. Wesch, O. Picht,
E. Wendler, U. Kaiser, and J. Heinrich, “Ferromagnetism and ferromagnetic
resonance in Mn and As coimplanted Si and GaAs”. Materials Science and
Engineering B, Vol. 126 (2006) 148.
Sobolev, M.A. Oliveira, V.S. Amaral, A. Neves, M.C. Carmo, W. Wesch, O. Picht,
E. Wendler, U. Kaiser, and J. Heinrich, “Ferromagnetism and Ferromagnetic Resonance
in Mn Implanted Si and GaAs”. Materials Science Forum, Vols. 514–516 (2006)