%0 Journal Article %T Landscape Semiotics, Psychoanalysis, and Ritual Wine Production: A Case Study in Gravina in Puglia, Italy %A Pasquale Scarnera %J Open Access Library Journal %V 11 %N 12 %P 1-30 %@ 2333-9721 %D 2024 %I Open Access Library %R 10.4236/oalib.1112696 %X The present work aims to decode the meaning of a rupestrian structure dug into the rock in the territory of Gravina in Puglia (Italy) to produce wine, being the same profoundly dissimilar from the others having the same function, present in the area and in other Italian locations. The distinctive characteristics of this structure have therefore been analyzed using a methodology that combines Semiotics and Psychoanalysis, since the same cannot be exhaustively decoded according to an approach aimed at reconstructing its functions according to the principles of the mere pursuit of maximum efficiency and effectiveness for the production of wine. Mythology has therefore revealed itself as a code capable of explaining the peculiarities of the structure, suggesting an approach to the landscape aimed at recognizing in it the unconscious connotations that accompany the processes of anthropomorphization of the natural environment, leading to new perspectives on landscape research.
%K Landscape Semiotics %K Psychoanalytic Semiology %K Rupestrian Complexes %K Myths %K Agrarian Rituals %U http://www.oalib.com/paper/6845020